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Paid Goodies

What is CALM all about?? 

Are you running the jagged edge of stress - feel like you want to tear your hair out, snapping at everyone and just needing a freaking time out?

Do you feel the need to unwind? To stop tiptoeing on the edge of the worry cliff? To take a moment out of a stressful moment to just be and reconnect in.

Welcome to Calm - An Angelically Channeled Recording designed to help you unwind, reconnect and take a chill pill and help to recenter yourself so you can get back on with your busy life calmly.

What is INNER CHILD LOVEFEST all about??

Have you been neglecting your inner child?

Do you feel like you need a helping hand connecting to your inner child and giving them the love and attention they need?

This healing recording will help you to connect to your inner child, allow them to feel the love, that they are safe and protected and that you are there for them. 

This is very powerful as at times how we react to situations, is due to that inner child not feeling safe and loved enough, making them feel they have no boundaries. 

While this may have started from a not so pleasant childhood, you are the adult now who can ultimately heal, love and keep that inner child safe and secure.

It is time to give yourself a big hug and enjoy each other.


What is BYE BYE RESENTMENT all about ??

Do you find that you just cannot let go of a conversation, something that happened, anything that shakes your world just a little bit?

Does it make you feel bitter?

Are you hanging on to resentment from past issues, chats - you know pretty much everything?

Are you finding it is holding you back? 

Welcome to Bye Bye Resentment, An Angelically Channeled Recording designed to help you let go of the past, the resentment and start to forgive. It will begin the deep healing you need, but also highlight any areas you need to work on, acknowledge, forgive, let go of, for your continued growth and freedom. This makes it deep lasting and also gives you responsibility for your own success. This can help you heal in so many ways - but your a the gatekeeper to just how much.​

Abundance Abound - Tell me all about it!!

Are you always feeling stressed out wondering how the next bill is going to be paid?

Do you find money seems to come in, only to go straight back out?

Does 'I am rich with abundance beyond belief' feel like it just doesn't apply to you and never will?

Abundance Abound is here to help change that!

While opening you up to all the riches the universe has to offer, it also helps you identify and work on what it is that is stopping you from feeling and being abundant in all areas of your life and to let that go.
Abundance Abound helps you to realise that abundance just doesn't come in the form of money and once you are tuned in to just how 'Rich' you truly are, you are opening up for more of the same... and better to come to you.
3 Angelically Channelled Healing Voices that set you up for success..

A calming recording to reset you back to calm when the day gets too hard and when you are working on those Abundance blocks, it brings you back to your soul’s natural state of being and shows you a different way to be rather than stress.

Joyously Uplifting - When you are coming from this vibration, everything matches and flows to you so much easier and quicker. Again it is a natural state for us to be living in, that so many have forgotten. 

And Lastly Abundance Abound so that you can identify and dissolve your blocks to abundance and let it flow TO you instead of AWAY from you.It opens you wide to receive all the gifts the universe wants to spoil you with and to already feel Abunderific every single day. These work at a deep level to heal and help you evolve, but most importantly they highlight any areas of growth for YOU to be aware of and make, that is the true magic to long lasting change. These Healing Voices can change your life in millions of magical ways – you only have to open and allow all of the abunderific opportunities to come your way. 

Whilst many are feeling the monetary benefits of working with these recordings, others are even seeing the change in relationships and many other areas of your life. Remember Abundance can also be about Health, Love, Luck, Blessings, Security, Gifts, Living in Harmony, the list is never ending and entirely up to you and is yours for the taking

What is JOYOUSLY UPLIFTING all about?

Do you need to feel more JOY in your life? 

Are you struggling with feeling low and letting everything get to you?

Are you ready to start living a high vibe life?

Joyously Uplifting is a beautiful Angelically Channeled Recording designed to give you a JOYFUL boost. It helps to raise your vibrations so you don't let yourself get down in those low negative vibes and just brings a smile to your dial. 

What is COURAGEOUSLY YOU all about?? 

Do you want to feel more fearless?

Are you looking to connect back with your soul and the Angels?

Do you want to stand in your power with Archangel Michael's strength at your back?

If so, then this recording is for you!

Courageously you is an Angelically channeled recording by Archangel Michael designed to help you reclaim your FIRE!
To help you feel courageous in any form and help you reconnect back to your own source of power, Spirit and most importantly to YOU! with the strength of AA Michael by your side....
Isn't it time to be COURAGEOUSLY YOU???

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