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Why Hello! I am Julia and I am so honoured you have found your way here, as you were meant to.


I work with spiritually aware people who are ready to step into who they truly are, be responsible for their own joy and happiness and who are ready to bring balance instead of chaos into their lives. 

Have you spent most of your life feeling like you have never quite ‘fit’ in anywhere?

Do you feel like your life is a roller coaster with only brief moments of peace and clarity?

Are you easily drained by others around you and don’t know how to protect or restore yourself?

Have you had your fair share of ‘downs’ and now looking at having more ‘ups’ in your life?

You’re here because you are looking for your tribe of like minded people. 

I see you and I hear you because even though I am now stepping into my own space and role, I felt exactly how you feel right now not that long ago.

It felt like this was never going to end and I couldn’t see the light or be the light I knew was deep inside. Though it seems difficult, impossible even, it's not. How do I know? I have been through it and am rising like the phoenix to become my best self...if I can, I so know you can too. 


You see I was always deeply spiritual but I just wasn’t fully aware of how deep until recently. Up until this realisation my life was a struggle - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and could never work out why.

I had little glimpses of understanding and brief moments where I could touch that place of home but they never lasted long. The rest of the time I felt slightly (or most definitely) out of step with things. Can you relate?

For me it started around 12 years ago when I felt called to find like minded spiritual people to surround myself with. I had tried all traditional methods a million times over and while some of it resonated with me, I knew my soul was moving me to seek more. I delved into ‘me’, healings, meditations- the works and it was amazing.

Unfortunately I went back into the ‘real’ world and soon was back to the roller coaster and overwhelm. I went through the motions all while trying to maintain the façade that I was fine and coping.

Only it took such a toll on my body – think heavy duty adrenal fatigue, massive weight loss from not eating, body wanting to shut down to daily unrelenting panic attacks. I was a complete mess.

At the time I was an office manager who on the surface was doing a fabulous job, and I was but the anxiety, depression and constant battle in my mind were taking a toll in a big way. I was hiding everything from everyone, including myself.

On the personal front my partner was supportive and tried his best but despite what he tried to do for me nothing really seemed to change or last for long. I would get slightly better and stay there in a comfort zone, crossing my fingers that it wouldn't come crashing down again.

It all came to a head when my partner had no choice but to ask me to leave our home. At the time I was hurt, angry and confused. It was only after some time had passed and I started to stand on my own two feet and began to recognise how strong I really was, that I looked back on it as a turning point and a blessing in disguise.

This was part of my journey to find myself too, in a BIG way after not listening for so long.

During that time I had a massive meltdown as I tried desperately to plaster over the cracks without doing any foundation work and again hiding in a big way. It was then that I knew it was either sink or swim and I was finally ready to swim - even minus the floaties!!

It was at this time that my mentor appeared. The teacher appears when the pupil is ready and when all of your dials are turned to Yes, Green light, GO!!!

For the first time I had someone that understood me in all ways. They knew what I was going through and had come out the other side and was willing and ready to guide me to that place too.

I am still evolving and finding out about myself, how freaking awesome I truly am and how to step fully into my highest self and potential.

This is my deepest hearts’ desire for you too. You are not crazy, you are not strange and you are definitely not alone. Our greatest pain can be our biggest lessons and they have helped shaped you into the amazing being that you are.

My mentor and guide has helped me smooth my soul path and guided me to lasting change and I offer myself to you as your Beacon of Light,  to be a little piece of ‘heaven’ on Earth – just for you. Think a touch from Jesus, A hug from Mary and Angel Wings wrapping around you, keeping you safe, warm and loved. To hold your hand as you navigate your way back to Spirit.

To guide you when you don’t know the way, to shine a light on your real magnificence and lead you back to your true self. 


It is time to believe in miracles again and be ready to accept the life you (and have previously chosen) were born to live and strap yourself in for the transformation to begin.

Let's do this together x

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